In 2012, grassroots efforts to create a plan for Langston Boulevard (then Lee Highway) began, and with the establishment of the Langston Boulevard Alliance resulted in the development of a community vision for the corridor. The vision called for Langston Boulevard to become a walkable, urban main street, with a string of neighborhood activity hubs between Rosslyn and East Falls Church. In 2019, with community support the County initiated a planning study.
The planning process was rooted in an opportunity to realize goals in the County’s Comprehensive Plan, including increasing tree canopy, increasing the supply and distribution of affordable housing, improving transportation connectivity, eliminating fatal and serious-injury crashes, and developing flood resiliency.
In December 2023, Arlington County approved the Langston Boulevard Area Plan, a vision for the future of our neighborhood and the Cardinal House community specifically.
A transformed Langston Boulevard will be comprised of Activity Hubs that connect workers, visitors, and residents with homes, shops, recreation spaces, and transit. Development will enhance the economic wellbeing of the corridor and diversify the commercial base. Businesses will be concentrated and integrated into these walkable, mixed-use hubs with food, culture, shopping, education, entertainment, and wellness offerings.
Our neighborhood (Area 5,) as the closest area to Metro along Langston Boulevard, will experience the greatest increase in residents living in a range of building types — including both mid- and high-rise — with ground level shops, services, and other amenities. This area will also be distinctly characterized by the addition of green infrastructure, including lush greenery, stormwater overland relief paths and facilities, and improved access to nearby nature and trails.
To learn more about the plan, visit Arlington County’s website.